Kansas is Permitless Carry, but you can get a permit which will allow you to carry in states that recognize the Kansas permit. Read on to learn the training requirements.
Name: Kansas Concealed Carry Handgun License
Issuer: Kansas Attorney General
Type of State: Shall-Issue
Training Required? Yes
Type of Training Accepted: Any approved handgun course. Your course must include training in safe storage, Kansas firearms laws, and live-fire exercises.
A valid concealed carry permit from another state may be presented as proof of training, if Kansas recognizes that state’s permit (if you are moving to Kansas).
Length of Training: 8 hours
Cost of Training: $125-$150 (prices vary, but this is a rough outline)
Notes: The Attorney General publishes and maintains a list of certified handgun instructors. Click here to view the list. Please ensure you use this list before taking any training to confirm that the person teaching your 8-hour class is certified with the State.
States that honor or recognize the Kansas Concealed Carry Handgun License resident permit:
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas |
Colorado | Florida | Georgia | Idaho |
Indiana | Iowa | Kentucky | Louisiana |
Maine | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi |
Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada |
New Mexico | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio |
Oklahoma | Pennsylvania | South Carolina | South Dakota |
Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont |
Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin |
Wyoming |
Kansas honors or recognizes the following states’ concealed carry permits
Kansas honors permits from all other states.