Looking to take a concealed carry class in Texas?
We’ve got the necessary training requirements to get the CHL listed below. After you know what you’re looking for, have a look for a class near you and sign up. Then you will be able to apply for your License and be on your way to carrying concealed.
Name: Texas Concealed Handgun License (Texas CHL)
Issuer: Department of Public Safety
Type of State: Shall-Issue
Training Required? Yes
Type of Training Accepted: Evidence of Handgun Proficiency, set by the Department. These classes have to include both classroom learning time, and live-fire range time, meaning you will have to shoot to get through your training.
You will learn: state laws regarding firearms, handgun use, proficiency and safety, nonviolent dispute resolution, and proper storage practices for your weapon and ammunition.
You may not be required to take a proficiency course if:
- You are serving in or have been honorably discharged from the army, navy, air force, coast guard, or marine corps of the US or an auxiliary or reserve unit of one of these. Or the state military forces.
- You have completed a handgun familiarity or proficiency class within the 5 years leading up to your application or renewal of your CHL, as part of your service with the armed forces or state military forces.
You can receive a written, sworn statement by a qualified instructor stating that you showed proficiency to the instructor in the last 12 months and includes the categories of handguns with which you are proficient IF you are a judge or justice of a federal court, as an active judicial officer, as defined by Section 411.201, or as a district attorney, assistant district attorney, criminal district attorney, assistant criminal district attorney, county attorney, or assistant county attorney.
Length of Training: 10-15 hours
Cost of Training: $75-$125 (Prices vary, but this is a rough estimate)
Notes: To renew your Texas CHL, you are required to take a continuing education course in handgun proficiency within the 6 months preceding your renewal. This course will be at least 4 hours and will cover at least one subject that is taught in your original CCW class. This continuing education portion of your renewal application can be done online.
Qualified Handgun Instructors in TX are the only ones who can teach your concealed carry class. Certified qualified handgun instructors:
- Are certified by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education or under Chapter 1702, Occupations Code, to instruct others in the use of handguns;
- Regularly instruct others in the use of handguns and has graduated from a handgun instructor school that uses a nationally accepted course designed to train persons as handgun instructors; or
- Are certified by the National Rifle Association of America (NRA) as a handgun instructor.
- …You also must be qualified to teach the 4 areas mandated to be in a concealed carry class (laws, handgun use,etc., nonviolent dispute resolution, and proper storage).
States that honor or recognize the Texas Concealed Handgun Resident License
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas |
Colorado | Delaware | Florida | Georgia |
Idaho | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas |
Kentucky | Louisiana | Michigan | Mississippi |
Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada |
New Mexico | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio |
Oklahoma | Pennsylvania | South Carolina | South Dakota |
Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont |
Virginia | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming |
Texas honors or recognizes the following states’ concealed carry permits
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas |
California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware |
Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho |
Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas |
Kentucky | Louisiana | Maryland | Massachusetts |
Michigan | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana |
Nebraska | Nevada | New Jersey | New Mexico |
New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio* |
Oklahoma | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island` | South Carolina |
South Dakota | Tennessee | Utah | Virginia |
Washington | West Virginia | Wyoming |
* denotes TX will only honor OH permits issued or renewed after 3/23/15
` denotes TX will only honor RI permits issued by the Rhode Island Attorney General