Delaware is a very strict state when it comes to CCW. You definitely need to take a concealed carry class in Delaware, but only take it after you have received confirmation from the Attorney General that your application for CCW has been approved.
So, you can’t jump the gun and take training before getting approval, first, which means there is a lot of bureaucracy and legality you have to get through before you’ll be allowed to carry concealed.
Read on to learn the training requirements.
Name: Delaware Concealed Carry Deadly Weapons Permit
Issuer: Delaware Attorney General
Type of State: May-issue
Training Required? Yes, but only after you have received confirmation from the Attorney General’s office that your application has been approved.
Type of Training Accepted: A firearms safety and training course that includes instruction on knowledge and safe handling of firearms, safe storage of firearms, child safety, knowledge and safe handling of ammunition, safe storage of ammunition and child safety, safe firearms shooting fundamentals, ways to develop and maintain firearm shooting skills, federal and state firearms laws and techniques to avoid a criminal attack and how to manage violent confrontations. The course must include live-fire exercises in which the applicant fires at least 100 rounds.
Service as a police officer. If you obtain a letter from the Attorney General’s office and from your agency verifying you are in good standing with your law-enforcement agency, as a retired police officer having served at least 20 years, you may be eligible to obtain your permit without additional training.
Minimum Age to Apply: 18 years old
Length of Training: 10-18 hours
Length of License: 3 years when first issued. 5 years each renewal.
Cost of Training: $160-$320
Notes: You must complete your Approved Gun Course within 90 days of your application being approved and submit a notarized certification of completion. If you cannot complete the course in 90 days, you must prove that you have enrolled in a course.
States that honor or recognize the Delaware CCW Permit:
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas |
Colorado | Florida | Idaho | Indiana |
Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Maine |
Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri |
New Mexico | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio |
Oklahoma | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas |
Utah | Vermont | Virginia | West Virginia |
Delaware honors or recognizes the following states’ concealed carry permits:
Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | Colorado |
Florida | *Idaho | Kentucky | Maine |
Michigan | Missouri | New Mexico | North Carolina |
*North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | *South Dakota |
Tennessee | Texas | Utah | West Virginia |
*Idaho – Idaho Enhanced Permit only.
*North Dakota – South Dakota Enhanced Permit only.
*South Dakota – North Dakota Class 1 Permit only.