Wyoming is Permitless Carry for residents. Non-residents can carry concealed only if they have a permit that Wyoming honors. Residents can still get a permit which will allow you to carry in states that recognize the Wyoming permit. Read on to learn the training requirements.
If you are going to be getting a Permit to allow you to be recognized in other states with reciprocity agreements, you need to take training in order to get the Permit.
We’ve listed the requirements below for getting a Permit, which is basically only useful if you plan on traveling and wish to be able to carry concealed in other states that recognize the WY Permit.
Name: Wyoming Concealed Firearm Permit
Issuer: Local Sheriff
Type of State: Constitutional Carry. You are not required by law to have a concealed carry license in Wyoming, but the state operates on a Shall-Issue basis and issues licenses for the purpose of reciprocity.
Training Required? Yes
Type of Training Accepted: Any firearm safety or training class taught by a state certified or NRA certified instructor.
Any firearm safety or training course offered for law or security enforcement.
Participation in organized handgun shooting competition or military service.
Honorable retirement as a federal or state peace officer who has a minimum of 10 years of service.
Certification by any law enforcement agency under any procedures they establish.
Length of Training: 4.5-8 hrs
Cost of Training: $60-110, prices vary but this is a rough outline.
States that honor or recognize the Wyoming Concealed Firearm Permit
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas |
Colorado | Florida | Georgia | Idaho |
Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky |
Louisiana | Maine | Michigan | Mississippi |
Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada |
New Hampshire | New Mexico | North Carolina | North Dakota |
Ohio | Oklahoma | Pennsylvania | South Carolina |
South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah |
Vermont | Virginia | West Virginia | Wisconsin |
Wyoming honors or recognizes the following states’ concealed carry permits
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas |
Colorado | Florida | Georgia | Idaho |
Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky |
Louisiana | Maine | Michigan | Mississippi |
Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada |
New Hampshire | New Mexico | North Carolina | North Dakota |
Ohio | Oklahoma | Pennsylvania | South Carolina |
South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah |
Virginia | West Virginia | Wisconsin |